I missed posting yesterday for reasons I refuse to make excuses for. Actually, that's not true. For me, Christmas is actually today because I'm in a different timezone, so there. Either way, I hope you all had a Merry Christmas. What did you guys get? What did you get others? I had a droopy tree this Christmas. I didn't know it was gonna be droopy when I got it, though. The world's all topsy-turvy now, and that's throwing me for a loop. Funky year, man. Visit me on Discord! Visit me on Steam! Tell me your problems.
Oh, and global warming is anthropogenic and Trump is a blathering idiot. Just throwing that out there. I probably should have thrown that out there first. Seriously, though. He's an idiot. He's still an idiot after his first year in office. And global warming is perpetuated by humans.
merry chinstmas. btw i agree the fact with global warming XPPPPPPPP